Donnchadh Shanahan

Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner (Urology), Primary Care, Community Intervention Team, Limerick.

I completed my general nurse training in London in the early 90’s. I then worked primarily in acute medicine and cardiology in London, Saudi Arabia, and Australia. I moved back to Ireland in 1998 and spent the following ten years working in Industry as a calibration technician and calibration laboratory manager. In 2009 I returned to nursing and worked in older person services for six years. In 2014 I completed a Master’s in Nursing and in 2015 became a registered nurse prescriber. In 2016 I moved into Primary Care with the Community Intervention Team (CIT). In 2022 I completed a Cert. in Advanced Practice. Since 2016 my role has involved the managing of patients with indwelling urinary catheters in the community. My current role as nurse practitioner in Urology is in expanding the range of urological services available in primary care within Community Healthcare Organisation 3 Area.

The Irish Association of Urology Nurses is a non-profit organisation founded in 2002 by a group of motivated nurses committed to growing and developing Urology nursing in Ireland.

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